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All the articles presented within this site is meant as a curiosity magic and folk traditions related to African Americans.

Il Crogiuolo sas of Diana Grassadonia & C. do not boast miraculous properties or paranormal powers, descriptions of the same are calculated according to handed down by the various traditions to which the products belong. It is up to the good judgment evaluation.

Each imported item complies with current European regulations concerning the safety and wholesomeness.

The consulting services are limited to the sharing of information about the traditional use and do not provide consultations of Tarot, clairvoyance or similar services.

Il Crogiuolo sas of Diana Grassadonia & C. is restricted to import and distribute the material by enriching the traditional products of information about the use.

The magic as such is not susceptible to scientific demonstration.

Read the terms of sale before purchasing. All items in this catalog are intended as an aid to the rites of magic, consequently exclusively propitiatory to ensure success the ‘operator.


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